Bell-Boeing To Develop V-22 Osprey For Japan

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:28 PM, January 14, 2017
  • 5860
Bell-Boeing To Develop V-22 Osprey For Japan
V-22 Osprey

Bell-Boeing Joint Project Office (JPO) has won a $138 million Navy engineering contract from US department of defense to develop and test the V-22 Osprey tilt rotor aircraft for Japan.

“Bell-Boeing JPO, Amarillo, Texas, is being awarded $138.6 million in support of the V-22 [Osprey] aircraft,” the company announced Friday.

The companies will provide engineering support to develop the aircraft for Japan Work on the contract is expected to be completed in December 2019 under the US foreign military sales program.

Since 2007, the Osprey has had four crashes and a number of accidents.

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