A meeting of the Nordic Ministers of Defence was held on the 11th of November in Bornholm, Denmark. Topical issues such as Nordic participation in crisis management in Africa, defence material cooperation, cooperation with the Baltic States and development of the northern regions were on the agenda.>> Finland will preside over Nordic defence cooperation in 2009. According to the Minister of Defence of Finland Jyri Hkmies, Finland aims to strengthen Nordic contribution as a whole on both national as well as on an international level.>> During its presidency, Finland accentuates three thematic entities. First and foremost is the enhancement of NORDSUP-cooperation (Nordic Supportive Defence Structures). The cooperation will be enhanced to its full extent according to the report made by the Nordic Commanders-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.>> Secondly, the Nordic countries will pay special attention to the increase of resources regarding crisis management in Africa. A common strategy concerning the matter will be compiled next year.>> Thirdly, during the presidency the development of a comprehensive approach to crisis management will be on the agenda. The aim is to find practical means on how to develop crisis management.>> Finland will also coordinate the Nordic-Baltic defence cooperation.>> During next year, two meetings of the Nordic Ministers of Defence will be organized in Finland. The exact times and venues are yet to be decided.>> -ends->