New CSBA Study Tracks War Costs, Funding Mechanisms

  • (Source: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Asses
  • 12:00 AM, December 16, 2008
  • 773
The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments today released a new report Cost of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Other Military Operations Through 2008 and Beyond.>> In this report, Steven Kosiak, Vice President for Budget Studies at CSBA offers a comprehensive picture of the direct budgetary costs of US military operations conducted since 2001. The report also discusses the means used to budget for and finance these operations, and includes projections of how much more these operations might cost over the coming decade.>> The report finds that, since 2001, some $904 billion (in fiscal year 2008 dollars) has been provided to cover the direct budgetary costs of US military operations. These include Defense Department costs related to conducting operations, funding for training and equipping indigenous security forces, reconstruction assistance, and veterans benefits. The total includes some $687 billion for Iraq, $184 billion for Afghanistan and $33 billion for various homeland security activities.>> The report raises questions about the way the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have budgeted for and financed. For these wars we have relied on supplemental appropriations for far longer than in the case of past conflicts. Likewise, we have relied on borrowing to cover more of these costs than we have in earlier warswhich will likely increase the ultimate price we have to pay, noted Steven Kosiak at the press briefing hosted by the Center.>> In addition to direct budgetary costs and interest costs, the report also considers broader economic and social costs. The report does not attempt to provide a tally of such costs, among other things, because such costs are much more speculative than direct budgetary costs. Instead, it reviews and critiques a number of other, earlier estimates of these costs.