Chinese Amphibious Landing Ships, Stealth Missile Boats Simulate Landing on Taiwan

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:11 AM, November 26, 2020
  • 4975
Chinese Amphibious Landing Ships, Stealth Missile Boats Simulate Landing on Taiwan
Chinese Navy warships participating in recent exercises.

The Chinese Navy, the largest in the world, simulated landing on Taiwan in recent exercises involving Type 071 amphibious dock landing ships and Type 022 stealth missile boats.

On November 18, three Type 071 amphibious dock landing ships attached to a landing ship flotilla with the navy under the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Southern Theater Command. The three ships, the Wuzhishan, Kunlunshan and Changbaishan, conducted a four-day maritime training exercise, which focused on 10 subjects including comprehensive defense and the transfer of landing craft air cushions, live-fire operations and visit, board, search and seizure operations, China Military Online reported Monday.

In a separate event also in the South China Sea, a flotilla of Type 022 stealth missile boats conducted a real combat scenario drill, with the catamarans training in comprehensive attack and defense, air defense and anti-terrorism, China Central Television (CCTV) reported. These boats are fast, flexible, stealthy and powerful, making it suitable for coastal defense missions against hostile middle-sized and large ships and combat groups from outside of the defense zone. They can also confront hostile aircraft and cover larger ships in high sea operations.

The two exercises, one with huge warships and the other with small but fast boats, should serve as a strong deterrent to Taiwan secessionists and forces with ulterior motives in the South China Sea, Global Times reported citing analysts.

Meanwhile, Taiwan has started domestic production of submarines to strengthen its Navy and ward off China.

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