Russia’s Il-114-300 Passenger Jet Makes First Flight

  • Our Bureau
  • 03:27 PM, December 16, 2020
  • 3764
Russia’s Il-114-300 Passenger Jet Makes First Flight
Il-114-300 regional passenger turboprop aircraft

Russia’s new regional passenger turboprop aircraft Il-114-300 made its first flight at the Zhukovsky airfield, today.

The aircraft was manufactured by United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). UAC plans to complete certification of the Il-114-300 in 2022. It wants to start serial deliveries of these jets starting 2023.

“In total, the program plans to manufacture and sell up to 100 aircraft of the Il-114-300 type for the period up to 2030 for delivery to civil aviation, government customers, and for export. With the receipt of the type certificate in 2022, the first production aircraft will be prepared for delivery,” commented Denis Manturov, head of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.

“The end of the year is rich in aviation premieres. As you know, yesterday the MC-21-310 medium-range liner with PD-14 engines took off for the first time. Today, the Il-114-300 turboprop took off for the first time - another aircraft in the passenger line that our aircraft manufacturers will offer to carriers in the near future. The new aircraft is especially relevant for our country: it is not picky about the level of airfield equipment, it is adapted for operation in the harsh conditions of the North, Siberia, the Far East and, due to the optimal cabin capacity, it can become the basic vehicle for the development of regional transportation,” said Sergei Chemezov, General Director of Rostec State Corporation.

The flight task involved checking the operating modes of the power plant, the stability and controllability of the aircraft, as well as the functioning of its systems.

The aircraft is powered by Russian TV7-117ST-01 engines produced by UEC-Klimov. TV7-117ST-01 has a takeoff power of up to 3100 hp. The power plant together with the engine includes a new high-thrust AV-112-114 propeller and a new automatic control system using a combined modernized engine control unit and a BARK-65SM propeller. Such joint control allows the maximum use of the potential of the characteristics of the engine and propeller, and in general, to increase the efficiency of the power plant. In its class, the TV7-117ST-01 engine is the best in all parameters that determine the economic feasibility of choosing a power plant for an aircraft.

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