Ukraine’s Ivchenko-Progress continues to provide engines to power Turkey’s stealthy Bayraktar Kizilelma supersonic, сarrier-capable combat UAV, despite being hit by Russian attacks.
Kizilelma is expected to make its first flight this year.
Turkish drone maker Baykar ordered АІ-322F and АІ-25TLT jet engines from Ukraine in November 2021. AI-25TLT is a powerful variant of the AI-25 twin-shaft medium bypass turbofan engine, specially built for the Kizilelma.
The company said two prototypes of the Kizilelma that are currently being built will be powered by the subsonic AL-25TLT engine made by the Ukrainian firm. “(Ivchenko-Progress) continues to fill orders despite Russia's ongoing attack,” Baykar said.
Kizilelma is being created under the Muharip Insansız Ucak Sistemi (MIUS) project.
Future Kızılelmas will have the more advanced AI-322F engine, allowing them to reach supersonic speeds. At least one planned future variant will feature a twin-engine design.
The Kizilelma will have an operation ceiling of 12,000 m, a takeoff weight of 5.5 tons, a payload of 1.5 tons, and a load capacity of ammunition of 1 ton. The UCAV is touted to have a Max speed of 900km/hr and a cruising speed of 740km/hr. The aircraft has a range of 930km.