Bell Textron Inc., a subsidiary of Textron Inc., has delivered a High-Speed Vertical Takeoff and Landing (HSVTOL) test unit to Holloman Air Force Base for the purpose of showcasing its capabilities and undergoing technology assessment.
The team will leverage the Arnold Engineering Development Complex Holloman High Speed Test Track to test the folding rotor, integrated propulsion and flight control technologies at representative flight speeds.
The objective of Bell’s sled test operations is to validate key technologies through a full-scale, integrated demonstration in a representative operating environment. Bell plans for the test article to execute a series of HSVTOL high-speed transition maneuvers, a first of its kind capability for vertical lift aircraft. Prior to delivery at Holloman Air Force Base, Bell successfully completed functional demonstrations at Bell’s Flight Research Center.
Bell’s High-Speed Vertical Takeoff and Landing (HSVTOL) technology blends the hover capability of a helicopter with the speed (400+ kts), range, and survivability of jet aircraft.
Bell has previously developed VTOL configurations like the X-14, X-22, XV-3 and XV-15 for NASA, the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force.