Lockheed Martin Demonstrates Spike NLOS for U.S. Apache Integration

Live Fire Demo at Yuma Proving Ground Clears Path for Airworthiness Release and Army Deployment
  • Defensemirror.com bureau
  • 04:28 AM, December 8, 2023
  • 540
Lockheed Martin Demonstrates Spike NLOS for U.S. Apache Integration
Spike NLOS demo @LM

Lockheed Martin fired eight Spike NLOS AURs from the U.S. Apache Echo Model V6, clearing the path for the system's Airworthiness Release (AWR) onto the U.S. Apache platform.

This was part of the company’s five-day live fire demonstration at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona.

The AWR for the Spike NLOS system enables the delivery of advanced security solutions to address threat environments.

The live fire event showcased the system's diverse mission set capabilities across various scenarios, marking a crucial step toward the AWR and subsequent deployment onto Apache V6 platforms.

Lockheed Martin plans to collaborate with the Army in mid-2024 to train pilots for utilizing the Spike NLOS system on Apache V6 platforms. The Army anticipates full integration of the LRPM DR system onto all 18 Apache Echo Model V6 platforms by September 2024.

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