Russian Black Sea Fleet Redeploys Corvettes Amidst Ukrainian Drone Threat

Recent photos from Crimea and other Russian bases confirm the redeployment of surface forces to new locations.
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  • 06:19 AM, July 1, 2024
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Russian Black Sea Fleet Redeploys Corvettes Amidst Ukrainian Drone Threat
Project 1239 corvette leaves Sevastopol @Crimean Wind Telegram channel

Russia’s Black Sea Fleet appears to be relocating corvettes to more secure bases in response to threats posed by Ukrainian naval drones.

Recent photos from Crimea and other Russian bases confirm the redeployment of surface forces to new locations.

According to Ukrainian Navy spokesman Dmytro Pletenchuk, Russia has relocated two Project 1239 Sivuch corvettes. Pletenchuk stated that these missile ships have been moved to the naval base in Novorossiysk. This redeployment was facilitated by moving some transport and landing ships to the Sea of Azov, thereby freeing up space at Novorossiysk.

“Two small corvettes made the transition to Novorossiysk. So we can say that this large grouping left Novorossiysk and is now in the Azov Sea, they had a little bit of space on the berthing front, and they immediately took advantage of it: they pulled two more ships from Sevastopol,” Pletenchuk explained.

Related article: Development Trends in Unmanned Surface Vessels

The two Project 1239 corvettes, Bora (number 615, in service since 1989) and Samum (number 616, in service since 2000), have departed from Sevastopol. On June 18 one of these missile ships was seen heading east, accompanied by a Raptor boat, as reported by the Crimean Wind Telegram channel.

These missile ships are part of the 41st Missile Boat Brigade (military unit #72165) of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. In September 2023, the Samum corvette was significantly damaged in an attack by a Sea Baby drone and subsequently towed away for repairs.

The Russian naval base at Novorossiysk has seen minimal activity from surface ships in recent times.

Among the notable losses incurred by Russia are several key vessels including Project 498 (Saturn or Protey type) tugboat, Saratov Alligator-class amphibious landing warship, Moskva guided missile cruiser, Vasily Bekh rescue tugboat, Olenegorskiy Gornyak Ropucha-class tank landing ship, Minsk Ropucha-class landing vessel, Rostov-on-Don Kilo 636.3 class submarine, Askold Project 22800 Karakurt-class corvette, Novocherkassk Ropucha-class landing ship, and Ivanovets Tarantul-class missile corvette.

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