Bharat Electronics Limited to display NCW capabilities and solutions at Defexpo 2010

  • 12:00 AM, February 10, 2010
  • 6814
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) will display its Network Centric Warfare (NCW) capabilities and solutions at Defexpo 2010. These customer-specific solutions, designed and developed in close association with BEL’s customers, cover the requirements of the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force. NCW provides virtual service from a centralized location. NCW also ensures Collaborative Mission Planning. Joint Intelligence, distance learning, etc. All these lead to increased combat power. NCW solutions on display at the BEL stall are:. Tactical Communication System (TCS): It provides converged services to the existing networks in the Indian Army / Navy /Air Force. TCS is a survivable, secure and scalable network of networks. It is a quickly deployable system. Battle Field Management System (BMS): It helps in mission planning and real time updation of location through GPS integration. It also provides location intelligence, classification of information and situational awareness. Networked Battled Field Surveillance Radar - Short Range (BFSR-SR): BFSR-SR is a man-portable, battery-operated surveillance radar that employs cutting-edge technology. It can be deployed in less than five minutes. It can track a specific sector and at the same time scan for multiple targets. IP Based Ship Communication System:. It is an IP-based new generation integrated communication system designed to provide internal and external communication on board modern warships. It supports Ship to Ship, Ship to Shore and Ship to Air communication over MF, HF, VHF and UHF bands along with internal communication. The system is highly flexible and can be configured for all classes of ships and submarines.