Harris receives $44 million contract for Falcon tactical radio systems

  • 12:00 AM, March 19, 2010
  • 2320
Harris Corporation, an international communications and information technology company, has received a $44 million order to supply Falcon tactical radio systems to a customer in Asia. Harris will supply Falcon II RF-5800H high-frequency (HF) radio systems for long-haul, beyond line-of-sight terrestrial communications. The company also will supply ancillary and support equipment, spare and repair parts, and logistics support. The Harris Falcon II RF-5800H is the most advanced HF radio in the world. The radio features Automatic Link Establishment (3G-ALE) data rates up to 9600 bps with advanced error-free protocols, an embedded GPS receiver, MELP (Mixed-Excitation Linear Predictive) digital voice, Citadel encryption, digital ECCM (Electromagnetic Counter-Counter Measure) techniques, and a built-in Internet Protocol (IP) interface. The radio also has an extended range that provides access to low-band VHF. The built-in, multi-waveform modem and 600/2400 bps vocoders provide high data throughput and secure digital voice over the most challenging HF channels.