MDA wins contract for UAV service from Australian Defence

  • 12:00 AM, July 27, 2010
  • 2732
MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd., a provider of essential information solutions, announced today that the Australian Defence Force (ADF) has signed a contract amendment to extend its unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capabilities. Under the amendment, MDA will provide a second year of UAV surveillance operations for the ADF's deployed forces in Afghanistan. The timeframe for this extension is January through December 2011. David Hargreaves, the vice president responsible for this business said, "MDA is proud to continue our support for the Australian Forces in Afghanistan." MDA provides advanced information solutions that capture and process vast amounts of data, produce essential information, and improve the decision making and operational performance of business and government organizations worldwide. Focused on markets and customers with strong repeat business potential, MDA delivers a broad spectrum of information solutions, ranging from complex operational systems, to tailored information services, to electronic information products.