Inaugural Naval Defence Exhibition to run parallel to IDEX 2011

  • 12:00 AM, January 12, 2011
  • 3765
The inaugural Naval Defence Exhibition (NAVDEX) dedicated to naval defence and coastal security will run in parallel alongside IDEX 2011. Located at ADNEC’s dedicated marina and quayside, visitors can expect to witness the latest in naval defence technology with exhibits of warships, naval workboats and amphibious crafts, peace and war fighting equipment, anti-piracy and coastal security systems, and communication solutions. The event will also feature a number of international naval vessels berthed alongside the event, and daily live on-water demonstrations. A new feature for IDEX 2011 is the First-Time Exhibitor Zone, located in Hall 1 of the exhibition. The zone, which has attracted over 30 companies, will display the latest defence technology and equipment from exhibitors who have not been seen at IDEX before. Country Pavilions at this year’s IDEX have now reached 31. The country pavilion area will take up nearly half of IDEX’s overall exhibition space and include the following countries: Germany, USA, Turkey, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Austria, USA, Switzerland, Ukraine, China, South Africa, Korea, Russia, Pakistan, Austria, Sweden, Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Spain, Slovak Republic, Portugal, Finland, Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Greece. Live Demonstrations will take place daily at the land-demonstration track and over the bridge at the ADNEC marina for on-water displays. Exhibitors will demonstrate a range of highly technical maneuvers and operational scenario’s with the latest land vehicles, UAV’s, UGV’s and sea craft.