Boeing Receives Additional US Air Force JDAM Contract

  • 12:00 AM, January 25, 2012
  • 2401
The Boeing Company received a $126 million contract from the U.S. Air Force on Nov. 30 for approximately 5,000 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) tail kits. Deliveries will begin in June 2013 and continue through May 2014. This is Boeing's third major U.S. Air Force contract within a year for conventional JDAM kits. Boeing received an $88 million contract for nearly 3,500 kits in January 2011 and a $92 million contract for an additional 4,000 kits in March. "After more than a decade of protecting U.S. warfighters and their allies across the globe, we are proud that JDAMs have continued to be their weapon of choice," said Debbie Rub, Boeing vice president and general manager, Missiles & Unmanned Airborne Systems. "Our innovative team continues to quickly meet our customers' ever-evolving needs with unprecedented accuracy and affordable new add-ons such as the laser sensor." Boeing completed the development and testing cycle for its Laser JDAM less than 17 months after it was identified as an urgent operational need in early 2007. The company delivered the first production laser sensor kits to the U.S. Air Force in May 2008 and to the U.S. Navy in October 2008. Laser JDAM was successfully employed by the Air Force in combat in Iraq in August 2008. In February 2010, the Navy selected Laser JDAM to satisfy its direct-attack moving target capability (DAMTC) mission requirement. Naval Air Systems Command awarded an $8 million contract to Boeing in March 2011 for low-rate initial production of 700 laser sensor kits for the DAMTC program. A full-rate production contract for Laser JDAM sensors is expected in early 2012.