Lockheed Martin will continue to provide system support to the U.S. Theater Combatant
Commanders and partner nations with U.S. missile event information. The follow-on contract was awarded by the U.S. Air Force Electronics System Center, Space
C2 and Surveillance Division, to continue sustainment of the Shared Early Warning System
(SEWS), a U.S. only program that supports Combatant Commanders and select foreign
nations by distributing data from existing U.S. missile warning systems. The initial contract award is for $21.5 million. The potential value of the contract over a
five-year period is $78 million. "The SEWS mission has evolved over the many years that Lockheed Martin has supported
the system," said Cliff Spier, Vice President of C2 Solutions for Lockheed Martin IS&GS-
Defense. "We'll continue to ensure that the SEWS program provides agile, affordable and
timely missile event data to our COCOMS and our partner nations." Under this contract, Lockheed Martin will sustain SEWS, which is currently installed at 37
sites around the world. The system provides required support to three different theater
areas of responsibility: the U.S. European Command, U.S. Central Command and U.S.
Pacific Command regions. The SEWS team with Lockheed Martin will also continue to
standardize and normalize the SEWS system architecture, while at the same time meeting
the aggressive timelines required by installations to support foreign nations and Combatant
Commanders' Situational Awareness feeds. The team will also provide engineering and administrative support of the SEWS program
in the areas of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case development, International Traffic and
Arms Regulations (ITAR)/export control, releasability planning, equipment acquisition,
configuration management, equipment installation, maintenance/sustainment, and research
& development initiatives.