Electronic Warfare Sales To Rise Amid Budget Cuts

  • 12:00 AM, August 8, 2012
  • 3154
 Electronic Warfare Sales To Rise Amid Budget Cuts
Electronic warfare systems such as electronic intelligence, electronic counter-measures and counter-improvised explosive devices have emerged as standard fitments on a variety of military platforms. According to a research study by defenseworld.net, in the next 10 years the electronic warfare market will have ballooned into a $24.5 billion industry worldwide. The sales of EW systems will be spread throughout platforms such as land vehicles and ships in addition to aircraft. Military aircraft still take the lead in the overall EW sales per year. Defenseworld.net tracks the technology curve and market growth of EW system over the last decade. The study highlights products, manufacturers, current sales and future sales prospects. It seeks to identify inflection points, highlight significant trends, point out market share gainers/losers and potential high growth regions of the world. The 51-page article contains 5,612 words, 36 tables and 4 graphs. Subscribe to this research article for US$499. Please email editor(at)defenseworld.net. for subscription information and to receive an article brief.