Hurdles Cleared In Apache Helicopter Sales To India

  • 12:00 AM, August 23, 2012
  • 2453
Boeing has beaten Russia’s Mi-28N Night Hunter chopper in a competition to supply 22 attack helicopters to India in a deal worth $1.4 billion. India will acquire 22 Apache AH-64D attack helicopters, 812 Hellfire Longbow missiles, 542 Hellfire-II missiles, 245 Stinger missiles and 12 fire-control radars in the billion-dollar deal. “It’s just a matter of time before the contract is inked for the Apaches after final commercial negotiations. Most of the hurdles have been cleared,” an Indian defense spokesperson was quoted as saying. Boeing’s attack helicopters have an empty weight of 2,500 kg and are built with a radar warning receiver to identify and intercept airborne and ground-based radio frequency emitters. The Apache AH-64D will give India the advantage of receiving the sophisticated anti-tank guided missiles for the first time.