The U.S
Honeywell announced today that its Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc. (HTSI) business has won a $257 million contract from the Army Sustainment Command to provide logistic services for the armed services fighting in Iraq
iRobot Corp. today announced that it received an order for $35
Northrop Grumman Corp. has been selected by the U
Honeywell International, was awarded a $255,076,495 contract to provide parts and support for the overhaul of 1,000 SAGT (Automotive Gas Turbines) 1500 engines or equivalents per year for Program year 4 (PY4) and the potential Program Year 5 (PY5) of the Total InteGrated Engine Revitalization (TIGER) program in support of Abrams tank production, Abrams derivative vehicles and Army stock spares. The engine equivalents will support the Anniston Army Depot (ANAD) turbine value stream (TVS) AGT 1500 engine overhaul line
General Dynamics C4 Systems has received a $17 million contract modification from the U.S
The Department of the Army announced today that it will partially terminate the Manned Ground Vehicle (MGV) development effort under the Future Combat Systems (FCS) Brigade Combat Team (BCT) System Development and Demonstration (SDD) contract with the Boeing Company. The partial termination is for the convenience of the government
Lockheed Martin has won a new contract to manage the Field Logistics Readiness Center (FLRC) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The contract is valued at $203 million over a five year period of performance and was awarded under the Field & Installation Readiness Support Team (FIRST) contract vehicle
BAE Systems has been awarded $124.8 million in U
The U.S