Naval Air Systems Command delivered the first Dual-Mode Laser-Guided Bomb (DMLGB) to the Fleet this month. DMLGB provides the Navy F/A-18 Hornet and the Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier aircrews the capability to employ a precision weapon in Global Positioning System aided inertial navigation system, or laser guidance mode
>The US Air Force has deployed Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles in Iraq, where it has taken sole responsibility for defending Balad air base. (USAF photo)JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq --- When the Airmen of the 332nd Expeditionary Security Forces Group took sole responsibility for base defense here in October, they did so with one of the Defense Department's newest armored vehicles
PORTLAND, OR --- FLIR Systems, Inc. announced today that it has received a $28
TUCSON, Ariz. --- The U
WASHINGTON --- The Army announced Thursday night that the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program, which had been awarded to Bell Helicopter, has been scrapped because development costs had almost tripled from $359 million to $942 million.>> Originally, the ARH contract was awarded for an expected development cost of $8
WASHINGTON --- The testing of Future Combat Systems equipment and testimonials from Soldiers using it may have helped the program receive full funding for the first time.>> President Bush signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 Oct
WASHINGTON --- President Bush said yesterday he will construe restrictions imposed in the fiscal 2009 defense budget in a manner consistent with the constitutional authority and obligations of the president.>> Bush signed the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 into law yesterday
HUNT VALLEY, Md. --- AAI Corporation, an operating unit of Textron Systems, a Textron Inc
WASHINGTON --- President Bush signed the fiscal 2009 defense budget into law today, authorizing a $512 billion base to support military readiness, as well as $66 billion for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.>> The law also authorizes a 3