France has launched a new project which calls for the construction of four new third-generation nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines (SSBNs). Called the
The U.S
Northrop Grummans design for a new nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missile named Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) has completed first major design review. Around 660 GBSDs will replace the five-decades old Minuteman III nuclear missiles starting in the late 2020s
The Dutch Army recently completed a two-day live-fire counter-drone trial using Smart Shooter's SMASH Fire Control System in the Austrian High Mountains. Tested at a range of up to 200 meters, in harsh weather conditions, fog, and blowing snow, the SMASH Fire Control Systems proved to be highly effective as all 67 drone targets were successfully hit with up to 3 shots each
The Russian Ministry of Defense has filed a lawsuit with Moscow Arbitation Court against Tupolev for not building a new missile to arm its “deeply modernized” Tu-160 M bomber on time. The MoD wants to recover 5
A fired Iranian armed forces employee has been identified as the ‘main element behind the assassination of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, intelligence minister of Iran Mahmoud Alavi said on Sunday. Israels feared spy agency (Mossad) was behind the hit, which was carried out by mounting the killing device in a Nissan pickup,
The Russian Navy's proposed nuclear powered aircraft carrier will have both ski-jump and an electromagnetic catapult launch system. According to Alexei Rakhmanov, General Director of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), the proposed carrier will be designed to work with both legacy aircraft which require a ski jump and future warplanes that will use the catapult launch system
A team consisting of members within the Russian Ministry of Defense have visited Sudan to begin work related to the latters plan to set up a naval base for its Navy. "A reconnaissance commission that worked there left, clarified the technical capabilities and the required volume of auxiliary buildings and structures," Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov, who oversees property management and quartering of troops, told
The Pentagon is seeking a five-year extension of New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) and has lauded Russia for its efforts in respecting the norms. “Russia's compliance with the treaty has served our national security interests well, and Americans are much safer with New START intact and extended” John Kirby, Pentagon Press Secretary, said in a statement today
Russias Sevmash Shipyard has developed a new block-modular method to build nuclear submarines that could reduce the construction period by nearly 18 months. Specialists from Central design bureaus "Malakhit" and "Rubin", as well as the Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Technologies also worked on the project