
MiG-35 Gets Electronic Flight Mode Limiter to Prevent Tailspin.

January 21, 2021 @ 09:26 AM

The MiG Corporation has developed and patented a system to limit the maximum flight modes of a fighter to prevent it from getting into a tailspin. This system is currently implemented in the Mig 35 and the MiG-29M / M2 as per a report by UAC Russia

Greece Approves $14B 5Yr Modernization Plan, to Receive Rafales in Mid-2021

January 18, 2021 @ 06:23 AM

Greek lawmakers have approved a $14 billion five-year military modernization plan including purchase of Rafale jets, first of which it would receive around mid-2021. Athens is expected to sign the $3

S.Korea’s FA-50 Jet Completes Tests with Sniper Targeting Pod

January 18, 2021 @ 05:05 AM

Lockheed Martins Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP) just successfully completed ground and flight testing, clearing the way for FA-50 airworthiness certification. The tests resulted in a successful long-range guided munition hit of a designated target, the compan

Russian MoD Receives Tanker Planes That Can Refuel 3 Aircraft Simultaneously

December 21, 2020 @ 03:39 PM

Russias Aviastar-SP, part of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), has started delivery of ten Il-76MD-90A tanker planes to the Ministry of Defense that can refuel three warplanes simultaneously. “The IL-78M-90A will allow for the simultaneous refueling of two front-line aircraft, and from the tail unit it is possible to refuel long-range and...

Future French Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier, PANG, to House 30 FCAS Jets

December 9, 2020 @ 03:52 PM

The new generation French nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (French acronym-PANG) announced Tuesday by Frances President Emmanuel Macron, will house nearly 30 Future Combat Air System (FCAS) jets. In comparison, the U

Russia’s Su-57 Jet is ‘More Stealthy’ with New Air Intake Grille

December 7, 2020 @ 03:00 PM

Russia has managed to lower the radar signature of its first stealth jet, the Su-57, by adding a new grille to the air intakes. Photographs of the modified jet with coaxial radial grating were shared by the Russian media today

Pakistan Navy's PNS Tabuk Corvette Commissioned in Romania

November 13, 2020 @ 11:07 AM

The Pakistan Navy commissioned its new Corvette – a Damen OPV 1900 – named PNS Tabuk at the Port of Constanta, Romania on November 12. The ship is part of a two-vessel order with Damen, signed by the Pakistan Ministry of Defence in 2017

Russia to Set Up Nuclear Warship Logistics Hub in Sudan

November 12, 2020 @ 09:16 AM

Russia plans to establish a military logistics hub for nuclear warships and station its vessels in the Red Sea city of Port Sudan that will allow it to ferry weapons in and out of the African nation. As per the new

Ukraine Blocks Illegal Transport of $980,000 Worth Aircraft Engine, Mi-8 Spare Parts...

November 5, 2020 @ 08:06 AM

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) said it blocked the illegal transport of stolen aircraft components including engines one of which costs $980,000, to Russia. Police detained the suspects while trying to sell a military aircraft engine valued $980,000

French Nuclear Submarine ‘Suffren’ Fires MdCN Cruise Missile

October 21, 2020 @ 10:58 AM

The French Navys first nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) Suffren test-fired a long-range, stand-off cruise missile, MdCN (Missile De Croisière Naval – naval cruise missile), today. “The Suffren has just successfully fired a naval cruise missile (MdCN) test