The gas generator of the first Russian high-thrust engine PD-35 will be publicly displayed for the first time at the MAKS 2023 show in July. The display will underscore that the PD-35 program will be continued
Turkeys Gokbey helicopter flew for the first time with the indigenous TS1400 engine on April 22; the chopper will eventually replace American-made UH-1 currently in service with the countrys armed forces besides targeting the export market. Head of Turkish Presidency of Defense Industry (SSB) Ismail Demir confirmed the flight in a
Indias Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) signed an MoU with U.A
In a move to remove dependence upon Ukrainian and Western origin engines, Russias United Engine Corporation (UEC) has set up a new engine plant to manufacture VK-650V for light helicopters and TV7-117V for heavy choppers. The new production facility has been launched at the Chernyshev Moscow Machine-Building Enterprise (MMP)...
Russian Mi-26 heavy transport helicopter could be powered by an engine created based on the PD-8 which is built to be installed on SSJ-NEW passenger aircraft and Be-200 amphibious aircraft. The Mi-26 is currently powered by two Ukrainian Lotarev D-136 turboshaft engines the supply of which stopped in 2015 following the...
As the United States has allowed a waiver to the use Chinese origin rare-earth alloys on F-35 fighter jets, calls have grown in China to apply stricter export controls for its super alloys without which the American jet could be grounded.The aircraft's manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, is one of the US arms firms sanctioned by China for selling weapons and equipment to Taiwan
The Indian Defense Acquisition Council (DAC) headed by defense minister Rajnath Singh has approved proposals worth $9.8 billion (INR 76,390 crore) for the procurement of military equipment and platforms including eight next generation corvettes and engines to power Su-30 MKI fighters
Rostec-owned United Engine Corporation (UEC) has completed bench tests of the first prototype PD-8 engine meant for the imported SSJ-NEW and Be-200 aircraft. The operability of the engine and its systems, the main parameters laid down in the terms of reference, and the correctness of design solutions were confirmed
Russian TV3-117 and VK-2500 Helicopter engines, which have been re-engineered to substitute foreign component with locally-made ones, have come in compliance with Indonesian aviation regulations. Some 30 Mi and Ka type helicopters which use the TV3-117 and VK-2500 engines are in operation in Indonesia
The French Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) completed a major test for the development of the engine for the future air combat system (FCAS) the European collaborative stealth aircraft project. As part of the Turenne defense technology project led by the DGA, a prototype derived from the engine of the Rafale fighter plane was tested on the test bench
Rolls-Royce has teamed up with Japans IHI Corporation to develop and deliver a future fighter engine demonstrator. The engine demonstrator programme will be a critical step forward in enabling the two nations to develop their future fighter aircraft requirements, potentially securing hundreds of future jobs in the UK and Japan, Rolls-Royce said in a statement