Russian S-300 missile defense system will not be supplied to Iran in the nearest future, a senior Russian Foreign Ministry official said on Thursday. "It is more important that a political and legal decision, which opens up such a possibility, is taken," said deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov, according to TASS news agency
Fincantieri in Partnership with Lockheed Martin announced today that its Marinette Marine Corporation (MMC) has won a $232 million modification contract for a Littoral Combat Ship (LCS 21) along with advanced procurement for another ship (LCS 23) for the US Navys Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program. The contract includes a priced option for one additional ship, LCS 25, to be funded in 2016
Russia has repealed its ban on delivery of long range Surface-to-air S-300 missile systems to Iran, Kremlin said in a statement Monday. Russia had cancelled advanced S-300 ground to air missiles delivery contract, citing UN sanctions imposed over Tehran's nuclear programme
The US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) today has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for contractors to operate unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for the purposes of gathering intelligence and conducting surveillance and reconnaissance. Contractors supply the pilots, the aircraft and the support systems
The US Navy has selected Austal to construct two more Littoral Combat Ships, LCS 22 and LCS 24. The ships will be the ninth and tenth Independence-variant Littoral Combat Ships built by Austal as prime contractor under its existing 10-vessel contract with the US Navy, the company announced in its press release last week
The test fire of an updated version of Indias Advanced Air Defense interceptor missile on Monday failed due to the weapon system falling down immediately after take-off from the launcher. The missile was targeted to intercept an electronic target within an altitude of below 20 km as simulated by the mission team to gauge the efficiency and killing precision of the missile
A mysterious Indian outsourcing company unlawfully received drawings for US military hardware including Boeing F-15 fighters and Chinook helicopters from its US based part- owner. The former owner of two New Jersey defense contracting businesses has admitted that she conspired to send sensitive military technical data to India
Iran has upgraded its ‘Damavand destroyers with ‘Mehrab advanced surface to air missile, Tasnem News Agency reported Saturday. Tasnem quoted Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari as announcing the installation of the upgraded missile on the homegrown destroyers
Indias US$ 1.4 billion (INR 9,000 crore) project to acquire six Airbus-330 mid-air refueling aircraft or tankers has been put on hold after the government referred the deal to the defense ministrys vigilance department for clearance
Russias full-scale deal with Iran for military hardware could reach $11 to $13 billion, if the UN arms embargo is lifted, Sputnik reported Friday. Igor Korotchenko, the head of a Russian think tank specializing in weapons sales said, the countries have great potential for development of military-technical cooperation