The Russian military is worried that the arrest of Telegram founder, Pavel Durov in Paris could cripple the real-time intelligence sharing mechanism that Russian forces currently rely on using the Telegram platform. “The arrest of (Telegram chat system founder) Durov is equivalent to the arrest of the chief of communications of the Russian army,” - the head of the Center for the Development of Transport Technologies of the Russian Federation Alexey Rogozin was quoted as saying on Telegram
The Turkish Navy commissioned its first Type-214TN air-independent propulsion (AIP) submarine, TCG Piri Reis (S-330), during a ceremony at Aksaz Naval Base. At the same event, official sea trials for the second Reis-class submarine, TCG Hizir Reis (S-331), commenced, and the third submarine, TCG Murat Reis (S-332), was docked for fitting
Russian forces launched a large-scale missile and drone assault targeting energy facilities across Ukraine on Monday morning, August 26. "The desire to destroy our energy sector will cost the Russians dearly for their infrastructure," Kyivpost reported quoting Andriy Yermak, head of the Office of the President of Ukraine
The United States has approved a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of India of Anti-Submarine Warfare Sonobuoys and related equipment for an estimated cost of $52.8 million
Hanwha Aerospace announced the completion of its first overseas production base, the Hanwha Armoured vehicle Centre of Excellence (H-ACE), located in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. The factory is set to begin mass production of the AS9 self-propelled howitzer and the AS10 ammunition transport vehicle in the second half of this year
Rostec subsidiary United Engine Corporation (UEC) has proposed the establishment of joint aircraft engine projects with BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) countries. The initiative, presented at a BRICS Partnership Advisory Group meeting in Nizhny Novgorod, aims to advance the development, production, and after-sales service of modern aircraft engines
The U.S
Rostec State Corporation's Ruselectronics holding has announced that it will supply the lead nuclear icebreaker, Rossiya, of Project 10510 with a new digital telecomplex. The telecomplex is designed to enhance the control and monitoring of the reactor compartment, which is crucial for maintaining operational safety in high-radiation environments
Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States have initiated the Submarine Tendered Maintenance Period (STMP) at HMAS Stirling in Western Australia today. This event marks a milestone in the AUKUS partnership, which aims to enhance stability and security in the Indo-Pacific region
The Department of Defense (DoD) of the United States and the Ministry of Defence of the Government of India (IN MoD) have entered into a bilateral Security of Supply Arrangement (SOSA), marking a significant step in the defense cooperation between the two nations. The agreement, which is non-binding, was signed by Dr