Pakistan To Negotiate Long-Term Defense And Security Pact With China

  • Our Bureau
  • 05:04 AM, September 5, 2016
  • 3664
Pakistan To Negotiate Long-Term Defense And Security Pact With China

Pakistan’s cabinet has given a go-ahead for negotiating a long-term defense agreement and security cooperation with China.

The Pakistani cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met at the Governor house in Lahore on July 15 gave a green signal for negotiations with China, The Express Tribune reported.

The cabinet considered the summary to initiate negotiations on a draft agreement between Pakistan and China on a long-term strategic framework agreement for enhancing defence and security cooperation in diversified fields.

The cabinet held detailed discussions on the proposed agreement before giving the nod of approval, the report said. The cabinet was informed that the draft agreement was based on principles of mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, non-integration and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and cooperation for mutual benefits, and peaceful coexistence for strategic gains in defence and security, including arms and technology transfers.

It was also informed that input from ministries of foreign affairs, interior and defence production as well as the Joint Staff Headquarters had been obtained and incorporated in the draft agreement which was subsequently vetted by the law and justice division.

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