Babcock, ST Engineering Unveil 120mm Mortar System at DVD 2024

The system was presented at the Defence Vehicle Dynamics (DVD) 2024 the UK.
  • bureau
  • 05:37 AM, September 19, 2024
  • 637
Babcock, ST Engineering Unveil 120mm Mortar System at DVD 2024
120mm GDAMS @Babcock

Babcock, in partnership with ST Engineering, introduced the 120mm Ground Deployed Advanced Mortar System (GDAMS), a vehicle-mounted, hinged mortar system designed to enhance the capabilities of the UK Armed Forces.

The system was presented at the Defence Vehicle Dynamics (DVD) 2024 in the UK. It is based on technology from ST Engineering.

The 120mm GDAMS will be produced at Babcock’s facility in Devonport, Plymouth, marking the first time in decades that such a system will be manufactured in the UK.

If chosen for the UK’s indirect fires programme, the project is expected to create up to 70 skilled jobs in the South West region and provide economic benefits through workforce development and supply chain stability.

The 120mm GDAMS mortar system requires a two-person crew and has deployment and stowage times of 15 seconds. Its hinged design allows mounting on various vehicles, including Jackal, Coyote, and Foxhound.

The system is compatible with standard smoothbore munitions, such as high explosive, illumination, IR illuminated, and smoke. It has a range of 9km and supports manual, electronic, and smart fuzes.

The 120mm GDAMS features a blast diffuser to reduce noise exposure and a digital communication system for coordinate input. The system also includes advanced fire control and targeting systems.

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